

National Billboard Campaign & Web - 2018

This year Leo Burnett crafted a very elegant campaign for Chaudfontaine mineral water, paying homage to the brand's essence. Images of rocky material make it all clear and evoke the intimate biotope of this natural water source: sixty years of patience filtering through the regional soil.

It was a refreshing experience for Black Box Studio. We studied soil and rocks alongside geologists to understand how to tame the nature of crystalline networks. We explored the behavior of light in a universe of condensation, runoff, and capillarity. And of course, we zoomed on the refractions of light in the thickness of glass because as the French saying goes: "qu’importe l’ivresse pourvu qu’il y ait le flacon." In other words, capture the bottle, whatever it takes.

Project Details

  • Project Type : National Billboard Campaign & Web - 2018
  • Our Mission : Hi-end Digital Photography

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